Economic Assets: Workforce Readiness Center
Improving Claiborne County's workforce
The Claiborne County Economic Development District has developed the Claiborne County Workforce Readiness Center through a partnership with Entergy. The center will help bridge the gap between the workforce requirements of local and regional employers and the citizens of Claiborne County who desire to become gainfully employed and increase their employability skills.
The Workforce Readiness Center provides:
- Access to MS WORKS Jobs Recruitment Database, typically featuring 40,000 jobs on recruitment in Mississippi.
- Access to Hinds Community College Skills Development Programs, including MI-BEST, ACT Career Readiness Exam Preparation, and Technical Skills Certification through Individual Training Accounts.
- Resume preparation assistance.
- Regular networking and contacts with regional Human Resources Managers.
- Access to regional public transportation through Claiborne County Public Transit.
- Individualized referral services depending upon the client's personal situation.
- Claiborne County Job Fair (Governor's Job Fair Network)
The Claiborne County Workforce Readiness Center assistas approximately 30 job seeking clients each month, and it's growing.
Click here to access the Claiborne County Workforce Readiness Center brochure.