Economic Assets: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Clean, green energy from an economic powerhouse.
A 2010 survey of electricity rates for 160 operating companies showed that Entergy Mississippi’s residential electric rate was the lowest in the South and 28% below the national average. That cost advantage is due in no small part to the Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Plant.
The evidence is clear: Grand Gulf saves Mississippians money. And with a leading safety and performance record that dates back more than 30 years, Grand Gulf is also one of the nation’s most efficient and reliable nuclear power generators, providing an annual 1,204 megawatts of low-cost, emission-free electricity. Thanks to Grand Gulf, energy security, environmental health and economic prosperity are all part of the Mississippi mix, especially here in Claiborne County, where company expenditures on labor, products and services represent approximately 64% of the plant’s total spending in the state.
As Claiborne County’s largest employer, Grand Gulf provides good jobs for approximately 15% of our residents, while indirectly creating more than 150 jobs here and in neighboring Warren County. That’s in addition to the $8 million in local taxes Grand Gulf contributes annually to Claiborne coffers.
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station completed a $900 million expansion in 2012, to add 13% more power and 178 megawatts to its capacity, making Grand Gulf the largest producer of electricity from nuclear power in the United States. This expansion provided an economic lift to the 30 mile region surriounding Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
Beyond its economic contributions, Grand Gulf is also a valued community member. Company activities have included both financial support and employee involvement in a range of community programs, in the arts, in service organizations, holiday food and toy drives, blood drives, scholarships, the United Way and the establishment of a Salvation Army office. In 2010, out of the 10,000 submissions that the Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals received, AMCP chose Entergy’s Port Gibson and Claiborne County initiatives for the Communitas Award for Leadership in Community Service.
Grand Gulf is a powerful asset to Claiborne county businesses, families and community. Click here to visit Entergy Mississippi's economic development website and click here to vist Cooperative Energy's economic development website.